Go Gold!

Harrison County Schools will "Go Gold" on Friday, September 22 for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. You’ll be joining communities around the world to raise awareness of childhood cancer, By Wearing Gold!! 

We would like to support our Families of Harrison County who are dealing with the effects of this devastating illness. Additionally, we extend our compassion to families who have tragically lost their children prematurely.  This week, as we reflect on these challenges, we have planned the following activities to raise awareness: 

On Friday, September 22, 2023, FRYSC will distribute GOLD BEADS to students and GOLD RIBBONS to staff for them to wear proudly.  We are also organizing a donation drive, and there might even be some friendly competition involved.  In a show of unity, our football players will join in by wearing stickers on their helmets and carrying a flag to display our support.  

For those attending the game at Grant County, we invite you to wear GOLD!! Let's all unite in going GOLD, Harrison County, and demonstrate our exceptional LOVE and SUPPORT!!!